Administration of Justice & Its Kinds

Administration of Justice & Its Kinds

1. Introduction:-
War and administration of justice are the two most essential functions of the state. If the state is incapable of performing these two functions it cannot be called a state. Administration of justice implies the maintenance of peace and order within a political community b   y means of physical force of the state.
2. Definition of Administration of Justice
According to Salmond : -”The administration of justice implies the maintenance of right within a political community by civilized substitute for the primitive practice of private vengeance and violent self-help.” This has been criticized on the ground that it is not the force of the state alone that secures the obedience of law.  There are a number of other factors such as the social sanctions, habit and convenience which help in the obedience of law. In civilized societies, obedience to law becomes a matter of habit and in very rare cases the force of the state is used to secure it.
3. Kinds of administration of justice   

(a) Administration of Civil Justice:  
The wrongs which are the subject-matter of civil proceedings are called civil wrongs.  The rights enforced by civil proceedings are of two kinds
(1) Primary Right
(2) Sanctioning or remedial rights.
(1) Primary Right
Primary right are those rights which exists as such and do not have their source in some wrong.
(2)Sanctioning or remedial rights
Sanctioning or remedial rights are those which come in to existence after the violation of the primary rights.  
The object of the civil administration of justice is to ascertain the rights of the parties and the party who suffers from the breach of such rights is to be helped by way of paying damages or getting injunction, restitution and specific performance of contract etc. 
(b)Administration of Criminal Justice:-  
            The object of the criminal justice is to determine the crime of a person who is charged with the doing of an offence.  The criminal court after proving that the offender is guilty of the offence charged awards him the punishment of fine, imprisonment as prescribed by criminal law.  A convicted person is awarded physical pain. Thus the main purpose of the criminal justice is to punish the wrongdoer. 
4. Difference between civil and criminal administration of justice
(i) As to Court
In the civil case the suit is Filed in the civil court. In the criminal cases the proceedings Is filed in the criminal court.
      (ii)As to Remedy
      The main remedy in civil Cases is damages. The main remedy in criminal cases is to Punish the offender.
(iii) As to Procedure
In the civil cases, the court follows the procedure Prescribed in Civil Procedure Code. In the criminal cases, the court follows the procedure laid down in criminal Procedure Code.
      (iv)As to start of Proceeding
In civil cases the action is taken by the injured party and the Suit is established by himself By giving evidence. In criminal cases the proceeding is taken by the state and the injured party is called out as a witness by the state.
(v)Benefit of Doubt
 In criminal cases benefit of doubt is given to accused while in civil cases no such benefit is available.


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